
Premium Garden Mix is a specialised garden soil used for a wide range of purposes, especially useful for potting plants.


SKU: soil-pgm Category:
Premium Garden Mix is a specialised garden soil containing coarse sand, graded ash, coco peat and composted organics. It can be used for a wide range of purposes including potting up of plants – specifically useful with managing the growth and improvement of Azaleas, Camellias and indoor plants.


Created by using 100% green waste ingredients that have been ground into fine particles, composted, matured then using the process of particle separation method with the help of specialised machinery, mixed with coco peat and graded ash to create a product that also contains natural fertiliser to help the improvement of soil areas that have been depleted over time. Premium Garden Mix can also be used to top up garden areas and help to stabilise ground cover areas that have become hard to maintain, also helping to protect plants against disease.

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